F2F Class Notes (Lily)[R]


The physiotherapists warned that the rise of Internet shopping means older people are not getting a “shopping workout”. Research shows that getting stronger makes people healthier, so it is important that people focus on their strength as they age. Older people can also do gardening, vacuuming and standing up regularly. A physiotherapist said: “We must move past the idea that becoming weaker and frailer is inevitable (in – ev – it – tuh – bull ) as we get older.”

A young a girl can hear

A girl was born without an ear canal in her left ear. Since she could not hear very well, she could not acquire language properly. It was very hard to understand her.

At five years old, she is the youngest person ever to get an inner ear implant. Her doctor explained that the implant is small and placed behind the ear and under the skin where it can directly help the inner ear to take sound into the ear.

Read more at https://www.newsinlevels.com/products/young-girl-can-hear-level-2/#wqE9x8EWl5BDkLKW.99


rise= rice ( not raise) ** letter i sound

shopping= shaw ping

research= ree sear qu

focus= fo kiss

gardening= gar den ning

inevitable= in NEvi ta ble

prevent= preVENT

acquire= a quire


inevitable= there’s nothing we can do to stop/prevent this, this is inevitable

ex: Death is inevitable.

Aging is inevitable.

acquire (verb)= (huo de, xue dao )to gain for oneself through one’s actions or efforts:

ex: to acquire learning.
ex: to acquire knowledge
ex: acquire skills
implant= to insert or graft (a tissue, organ, or inert substance) into the body.
ex: kidney implant
ex: heart implant