F2F Class Notes (Lily/ Yang)


  1. A man is working behind an ATM. He gets stuck. His phone is in his car. He cannot call for help. This happens in Texas.

The man has a pen and some paper. He writes notes and pushes them through the machine. People read the notes. Most people think that this is a joke, but one person calls the police.

The police come. They hear the man. One officer kicks down a door. He saves the man.

2. http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/reading-practice/helping-others


1. stuck (not able to get out)

ex: The car was stuck in the snow.

ex: I am stuck in the traffic

2. walk the dog= take your dog out for a walk

ex: I have to walk my dog everyday.

3.donate= give money to the charity

ex: I donated $400 to the people who suffered from fire.


Texas= Tex as (not taxes)

paper= pay- per

joke- joe- k

donate- do NATE (stress on “nate”)

donuts- DO nuts

fun- f- un (not find)

environment= in-VI-ron- ment

feel- f- eeeee- l

charities- chair- rities

volunteering- vo- lun- teering

shelter- shell- ter

sometimes- soMe- tiMes (M two times)


a,e,i,o,u (long vowel)

a,e,i,o,u (short vowel ) (ah, ei, eee, oh, euh)

mad, cape, made, bake, pale, pal

beg, pet, pete,

nid, pig, kite, vine, wine , nine,

rot, dog, rope, note, joke

hug, huge, puke, bug, mute

ee, ea: need, seed, teach, peach, beach  (EEEE sound)