F2F Class Notes (Lily) [W/S]


weird= wee yerd

long vowels : a e i o u
bate rake paste Jake rate lake
Pete compete complete interfere
hose pose node phone prone alone rode quote
puke mute infuse tube cute nude

ai: pain gain train nail hail tail pail rail frail
ay: hay pay tray clay railway bay lay

ea: preach bleach treason treat meat feast yeast least increase beast
ee: sweet needle tweet feet
ey,y: money  lady needy pretty


other- more than one
another- one

do you have other colors?
do you have another color?

I have another bag. I have other bags.


1.break up with (        ) = 分手
broke up
ex: he broke up with his girlfriend last week
ex: Lily broke up with her ex-boyfriend a year ago.

Speaking exercise

I will move to a new house on Tuesday. I just have moved last month. I want more convenient traffic. Now I live alone, but in a new place, I have 3 roommates, but I haven’t meet them. I still a little nervous about who they are, what’s their job. It is so tiring to pack my package. I want to move a place where is next to my gym then go home by walk.


I will move to a new house on Tuesday. I have just moved last month. I want a location with a more convenient transportation. Now I live alone whereas in the new place, I have 3 roommates whom I haven’t met yet. I am still a little nervous about who they are, what they do.  It is so tiring to pack my things. I want to move a place that is next to my gym so I could walk home.  go home by walk. 

Writing exercise

On Friday night, I had an appointment with Nemo who is my English teacher .However, I was told by Judy that Nemo temporarily changed to other teacher Jesse who had taught me in trial class for various reasons. I was going to talk about the movie, Empire Of The Sun, that Nemo recommended to me last time. So, I had to change my plan.
In the class, I asked Jesse a question about how the word “yet” use to. He gave an example sentence, “He was here, yet he wasn’t really”. To be honest , I thought I was the “He” at that moment. Owing to I had insomnia the night before , I felt that I was not in a state.Fortunately, Jesse was such nice as last time. He gave me a lot of advice on learning English. Maybe I seemed like a little bit tired, but actually I was happy.
In the end, we talked about his account of Tik Tok,a video App, and I had download this APP and fellow him. The video he uploaded were so interesting and useful. I can watch these video all day!


On Friday night, I had an appointment with Nemo who is my English teacher .However, I was told by Judy that for many reasons, Nemo was temporarily changed to another teacher- Jesse who has taught me in the demo class for various reasons. I was going to talk about the movie, Empire Of The Sun, that Nemo recommended to me last time. So, I had to change my plan/ topic.
In the class, I asked Jesse a question about how to use the word “yet” use to. He gave an example sentence, “He was here, yet he wasn’t really”. To be honest , I thought I was the “He” at that moment. Since I had insomnia the night before , I felt that I was not in the mood. Fortunately, Jesse was as nice as last time. He gave me a lot of advices on learning English. Maybe I seemed like a little bit tired, but actually I was happy.
In the end, we talked about his account on Tik Tok which is a video App, and I downloaded this APP and followed him. The videos he uploaded were so interesting and useful. I could watch these videos all day!