F2F Class Notes (Lily) [W]


sp- sb sound: special spit spring sprout span spend
xp- xb sound: explore experience expat expect expose expo

sk- sg sound: sky skate ski 🎿   skeptical

sc- sg sound: scan 扫  scanner  scrap script scape scrub scream

Writing exercise

I became more responsible when I had children. My son is 2 years old in this year. Watch he will grow up everday I feel that is every ineresting. He bring me happ and teach me patient that I realize not easy for parants to raise their childern. Mybe I have done many regret things in my life but have not regret birth to my chind. That I am very confirm.


I became more responsible when I had children. My son is 2 years old in this year/ my son will turn 2 this year. To see him growing up everyday I feel that is every ineresting. He brings me happiness and teaches me to be patient and I realize that it is not easy for parants to raise their children. Mybe I have done many regrettable things in my life but I have never regretted my son’s birth to my chind. That I am very sure.