F2F Class Notes (Lily) [W]


DO you share too much online? To what extent should we share things online?


1.jeopardize (verb)= 使XX陷入危境, 危及
ex: If he doesn’t talk to me about his problem, it will jeopardize our relationship.
ex: Coronavirus has jeopardized my career.
ex: You should never let your girl friend add your bf’s wechat, it will jeopardize the relationship.

2. scumbag= 渣男
ex: He is a total scumbag.

3. differentiate= tell the difference
ex: a baby cannot differentiate between good and bad.
ex: it’s hard to differentiate the red wines.

4. on the spot = right away
ex: Sometimes I see my students and I can’t remember their name on the spot.

Writing exercise

How to publish a child is one of the difficulties that I have experienced. How to punish a child effectively is crucial for raising a mature adult. A child who never learns the difference between right and wrong may have difficulties later in life. So it’s never too early to start thinking about a fair punishment strategy for a child. First, you should learn smart strategies for discipline. Be consistent, this may perhaps the most important thing to remember when disciplining a child. A child can’t learn the rules if the rules are always changing. Use the same rules for punishing a child every time she misbehave. She needs to know and understand each of the rules, as well as the punishment they face for breaking the rules. Assign a reasonable punishment then stick to it. Don’t forget to reward good behaviors.


How to punish a child is one of the hardest things for me as a parent. It is crucial to know how to punish a child effectively. A child who never learns the difference between right and wrong may have difficulties later in life. So it’s never too early/late to start thinking about a fair punishment strategy for a child. First, you should learn the smart strategies for discipline. Be consistent, this may perhaps be the most important thing to remember when disciplining a child. A child can’t learn the rules if the rules are always changing. Use the same rules for punishing a child every time she misbehaves. She needs to know and understand each of the rules, as well as the punishment she faces/receives for breaking the rules. Assign a reasonable punishment then stick to it. Don’t forget to reward good behaviors.