F2F Class Notes (Lily) [S/R]

Speaking exercise

Today I have to work overtime. I finished my work to come here. Today I’m busy, I went to the bank and called delivery to Malaysia. I calculated its cost and I make excel for attendance. So I have overtime today.

Today I had to work overtime. After finishing my work, I came to SE. Today I was busy, I went to the bank and ordered many deliveries to Malaysia. I calculated its cost and I made an excel for attendance, so I had overtime today.


  1. deliver (verb)=to take something to people’s house/ place of work

ex: Mail is delivered to our office twice a day.

ex: It’s already delivered. (past tense)

2. delivery (noun)= act of taking goods, letters etc to people’s houses or places of work

ex: We get two deliveries of mail (= it is delivered twice) a day.

ex: Please send this letter by express delivery.

ex: Where is my delivery/ parcel?

3. dye= color your hair

ex: I want to dye my hair.

ex: I dyed my hair today.

4. rash (noun) = a lot of small red spots on the skin

ex: I’ve got an itchy rash all over my chest.


parcel= par sou

dye= die

school= s goo oh

rash= r ash

head= hed

damaged= dah ma ju d


Dyed Hair

An 18-year-old student wants $20,000 from her school. The school told her to dye her hair black. She had brown hair. She had to dye her hair black to follow the school’s rules. A newspaper said she had to dye her hair every four days. She got a rash on her head. Her hair became damaged.