F2F Class Notes (Lily) [S/W]


I called to my father= I called my father

he told we–> he told us


1.down jacket= 羽绒服
ex: I can’t believe you’re already wearing your down jacket in early November.

2. luggage= 行李箱
ex: My father brought all the luggages and packed up for me.

3. pack= 整理 (行李)
ex: I always pack the night before the trip.
ex: it usually takes me a week to unpack. 

4. license= 执照
driver’s license= 驾驶执照 (驾照)
operating license= 营业执照
ex: I got my driver’s license 10 years ago.

Speaking exercise

Next year February, I will be 18 years old and I can get the car card. I saw a lot of driving accident, but my father drinks a lot of beer, so he don’t want to learn how to drive. My best friend is working in Zara right now to do the customer service. One of my best friend, she graduate the school of my drop out, now she work 2 years, but she just get 3000 yuan every month.


Next year in February, I will be 18 years old and I can get the driver’s license. I saw a lot of driving accident, but my father drinks a lot of beer, so he doesn’t want to learn how to drive. My best friend is working in Zara in the customer service department. One of my best friend, she graduated from the school that I dropped out, now she has been working for 2 years, but she just gets 3000 yuan every month.

Writing exercise

I got a gap year because I dropped out, So now I need to plan how to make this year efficient. I will still be an 18-year-old college student after the university entrance exam next year. I can use this year to gain work experience, play more places and learn to drive.
I think the gap year can help me find my favorite major or future career direction before entering the university.


I got a gap year because I dropped out, So now I need to plan how to make this year more efficient. I will still be an 18-year-old college student after the university entrance exam next year. I can use this year to gain work experience, travel around some places and learn to drive.
I think the gap year can help me to find my favorite major or future career direction before entering the university.