F2F Class Notes (Lily) [S/W]


I very like –> I really like = I like (       ) very much
I very hate –> I really hate the rain.


1.lighter = 打ç«æœº
ex: can I borrow a lighter?
ex: my father has a box of lighters.

2. color blind= 色盲
ex: some people are color blind, they can’t tell the difference between red and green.

3. ish= 有点
greenish= 有点绿
childish= 幼稚的 åƒå°å­©çš„
ex: I will see you around 3-ish.
ex: I want a pinkish wedding.
ex: When will you finish dinner? Maybe 8ish. 

4. grade (noun) = æˆç»©ï¼å¹´çº§
ex: I am in grade 12, I’m going to university next year.
ex: do you get good grades in school? No. ðŸ™

5. flush (verb)= 冲厕
ex: Chinese people don’t like to flush… I don’t understand why….
ex: At home, I have a smart toilet, it will flush on its own.

6. phrase= 一å¥è¯
sentence= 一个å¥å­
ex: My favorite phrase is “ç惜当下“

7. subject= 科目
ex: what is your favorite subject ? Chinese
ex: I don’t have a favorite subject because I don’t like school.

Speaking exercise

I always watch vlogs on the movie app, so I very like some students, they have very best study power. I often think “it’s just knowledge”, if I go to have this class, I also can know this. But when I try it, I have a big question mark. Maybe I can switch with someone, I want to change with Zoey on Bilibili. I think she is a good girl because she has a good grade in every exam, and she keep the good body. She just 40kg and 1.5 m tall. I saw a sentence on the internet last week, we always like the other people’s life, but if give you opportunity to switch with the other people, maybe you don’t want it. I always watch blog on the movie app, so I very like some students, they have very best study power.


I always watch vlog on the movie app, so I very really like some students, they have very good study ability. I often think “it’s just knowledge”, if I go to have this class, I also can know this. But when I tried it, I had a big question mark/ I was confused. If I could switch with someone, I want to be in Zoey‘s body on Bilibili. I think she is a good girl because she has a good grade in every subject, and she keeps fit. She is just 40kg and 1.5 m tall. I saw a phrase on the internet last week, we always like the other people’s life, but if you were given the opportunity to switch with the other people, maybe you don’t want it.

Writing exercise

I watched freaky Friday today.It was so cool !
Daisy is a psychologist and a single mother who has a daughter and a son. Their names are Anna and Peter. However Daisy and Anna have a bad relationship,because they think each other is wrong. One day when they eat at a Chinese restaurant they quarreled again,about Anna’s band and Daisy’s remarriage. The restaurant owner’s mother gave them magic cookies during their argument. There was a little piece of paper in the cookie and they switched bodies the next morning. It was an amazing thing in their life,but But they have to accept it. When they find that they can’t exchange bodies, they can only help each other to do each other’s work. These two days let them understand each other’s life and understand each other. Finally they switch back to their bodies at Daisy’s wedding rehearsal. It’s a very good family movie,and she has magic powers or supernatural powers that I like ï¼


I watched freaky Friday today.It was so cool !
Daisy is a psychologist and a single mother who has a daughter and a son. Their names are Anna and Peter. However Daisy and Anna have a bad relationship,because they think differently about each other. One day when they eat at a Chinese restaurant and they quarreled again,about Anna’s band and Daisy’s remarriage. The restaurant owner’s mother gives them magic cookies during their argument. There is a little piece of paper in the cookie and they switched bodies the next morning. It is an amazing thing in their life,but But they have to accept it. When they find out/ realize that they can’t exchange bodies, they can only help each other to do each other’s work. These two days help them to understand each other’s life and understand each other. Finally they switch back to their bodies at Daisy’s wedding rehearsal. It’s a very good family movie,and I like this magic powers or supernatural powers that I like ï¼