F2F Class Notes (Lily) [S/R]


1. grade =年级/成绩
ex: What grade are you in? I’m in grade 5
ex: do you get good grades in school? Yea I get good grades. 

2. pen pals =笔友
ex: he has many pen pals in China, they write to each other all the time.

Speaking exercise

I just booked a hotel in SuZhou, I want to enjoy doing nothing, and eat some SuZhou local food.  I booked the hotel beside the Golden Chicken Lake. I haven’t planned for the National Holiday, ti’s 7 days, it’s crowded everywhere. I booked a campaign in the park, it’s very far away in FengXian. I will go with my husband and my child. I think my child will like it. When we lie down on the bed, then the roof is transparent, we can look at the stars. I’m trying to plan trip just I and my husband once a year. We did it each year, have to keep the romance because work is so hard and life is so difficult.

Last time we went to Japan, previous one we went to Israel. I think Jerusalem is very romantic, it’s very old, I think religion originated from Jerusalem. If you want to know more about the history of Europe, then you have to go there. When I go there, I learned a lot of the European history, but when I come back, I forgot.


I just booked a hotel in SuZhou, I want to enjoy doing nothing, and eat some SuZhou‘s local food/ try their local cuisine.  I booked the hotel beside the Golden Chicken Lake. I haven’t planned for the National Holiday, it’s 7 days, it’s crowded everywhere. I booked a camp tour in the park, it’s very far away in FengXian. I will go with my husband and my child. I think my child will like it. When we lie down on the bed, then the roof is transparent, we can look at the stars. I’m trying to plan a trip for my husband and me once a year. We did it each year,we  have to keep the romance because work is so hard and life is so difficult.

Last time we went to Japan, previous one we went to Israel for the previous trip. I think Jerusalem is very romantic, it’s an ancient city, I think christianity originated from Jerusalem. If you want to know more about the history of Europe, then you have to go there. When I went there, I learned a lot about the European history, but when I came back, I forgot about what I learned. 


The bossson-in-law got the promotion instead of me! How can I fight this?

The simple answer is that you can’t. Whether you’re working in a private company or a government institution, fighting injustice in the workplace – perceived or not — won’t do you or anyone else any good. You’ll just get branded a “difficult” employee and create a very awkward situation for everyone.

Being passed over for promotion because of nepotism is absolutely one of the worst things you can experience in the Chinese workplace. And sure enough, you could probably fight a decision like that in many other non-Asian cultures.

But when you’re in China, you’d better get used to it, swallow your indignant feelings and keep your head down. Do not, under any circumstance, consider uttering a sentence related to nepotism which starts with “Where I’m from…”. It’s social and professional suicide.

Keep doing your job and make sure you do it well. Perhaps set out to create some guanxi with the now-promoted son-in-law? Also make sure to never tell any of your co-workers about the boss’ blatant display of nepotism. Word will eventually get around that you’re unhappy with the boss’ decision to promote his son-in-law instead of you, and that won’t do you any good at all.