F2F Class Notes (Lily) [S/R]

Needs more review

short vowel: aeiou
hat het hit hot hut
snapchat backpack submit

long vowels:
mate drake nate crave


ai: gain pain rainy drain train fail bail snail frail pail
ay: hay bay clay tray fray playground

ea: preach bleach reach treason treat yeast feast teacher
ee: feet geese needy seed
ey,y: money lady donkey pony tony
ei: receive perceive

alk (all k ): talk walk halt malt salt

said= sed


billy goats (3 pages)


I waited for 4 hours
I need to wait one week –> I need to wait for one week.


1.apply (verb)= 去申请
application (noun)= 申请
application form= 申请表
ex: I need to apply for the visa to Czech Republic.
ex: I need to fill out填 the application form.

2. proof (noun) =证据
prove (verb)= 证明
ex: He stole your money, I have proof!
ex: you say that you love me, can you prove it?

3. get off work =下班
ex: what time do you get off?
ex: I get off at 5pm.

4. put on/ take off= 穿/脱
ex: It’s really cold today, I need to put on my jacket.
ex: It’s really hot today, I need take off my socks.

5. turn on/ turn off= 开/关 (电源)
ex: can you turn on the computer?
ex: can you turn off the lights? I want to sleep.

Speaking exercise

Today I got up at 8 o’clock and I went to attend a class and we were doing our model to prepare the exhibition, and then I went to get the passport, we ate lunch around the center. Then I had some trouble about my visa because I got a new passport, the number change. I need to get airplane ticket and insurance. After that, we went to Czech Republic application center to apply our paper. when we get here, there are 30 people in front of us, we wait for 4 hours to apply it. But our paper didn’t have trouble, it’s easy to apply it.


Today I got up at 8 o’clock and I went to attend a class. We were working on our model to prepare for the exhibition, and then I went to get the passport, we ate lunch around the center. Then I had some trouble with my visa because I got a new passport, the passport number changed. I need to have proof of the airplane ticket and insurance. After that, we went to Czech Republic application center to apply for our passport. when we got here, there were 30 people in front of us, we waited for 4 hours to apply it. But There were nothing wrong with our application,  it’s was a smooth application.