F2F Class Notes (Lily) [S]


1.sweat= 流汗💦
ex: did you sweat after doing the exercise?

2. commitment= 付出
committed= 投入的
ex: Getting married is a big commitment. 
ex: Having a baby is a big commitment. 
ex: If a man is not committed in the marriage, then he will cheat.
ex: Some people are very committed in their job, they will get promoted easily.

3. slack off =懒散的
ex: don’t slack off even if the boss isn’t here.

4. age (verb)=老化 变老
ex: I think he aged in the past couple years, he’s starting to have grey hair.
ex: aging is every woman’s biggest fear.

5. grey hair= 白头发
ex: My husband has some grey hair, but I can’t tell him.

Speaking exercise

I bought the yoga mat. I tried to take exercise everyday, it’s hard to start first. Katy Smith looks so healthy, she has muscles. I told my husband “She take exercise during her pregnancy”. I think exercise is important, but the food you eat is very healthy, so you don’t gain too much weight.


I bought the yoga mat. I tried to do exercise everyday, it’s hard to start at first. Katy Smith looks so healthy, she has muscles. I told my husband “She does exercise during her pregnancy”. I think exercising is important, but you had very healthy food, so you didn’t gain too much weight.