F2F Class Notes (Lily) [S]


I have saw pictures –> I have seen the pictures


1.mature—–immature = 成熟—不成熟
ex: Girls mature earlier than boys, girls mature around 18 whereas boys mature around 23.

2. tap= 水龙头🚰
tap water= 自来水
ex: do you drink filtered tap water?

Speaking exercise

I can feel my stomach getting bigger and bigger, when I lay flat, I can feel my stomach. Yesterday my husband and I went to GFY for classes. I think it’s very good for every husband so I get benefit from the class. I have already know most of the knowledge, but for my husband, it’s new. There are a lot of things they can know through other people, not from me. I have already booked pregnant fitness classes on September 2nd. You can learn the skills from that class, after that, we can practice from home. I prepared to practice this first, and then to practice yoga.


I can feel my stomach getting bigger and bigger, when I lay flat, I can feel my stomach. Yesterday my husband and I went to GFY for classes. I think it’s very good for every husband so I get benefit from the class. I already know most of the contexts, but for my husband, it’s new. There are a lot of things he could learn through other people, not from me. I have already booked pregnant fitness classes on September 2nd. You can learn the skills from that class, after that, we can practice from home. I am prepared to practice this first, and then to practice yoga.