F2F Class Notes (Lily) [S]


I will= I’ll (ao)
you will= you’ll (you o)
he’ll (heel)
she’ll (she o )
we’ll (wo)
they’ll (they o)


I woke up at 8pm in the morning
I went shopping with my mom last night at 8 pm.

I will to hike –> I will go hiking
need to
like to
want to

I want to eat
you want to eat
he wants to eat
Anna wants to eat


1.subject= class 科目
ex: what was your favorite subject at school? Music!
ex: There are many subjects in my college.

2. grade =成绩
ex: do you get good grades in school? Yes I always get good grades in school.
ex: I got a bad grade in Math.
ex: I got good grades in my college.

3. time= 时间 时候 时光
ex: do you know the time? = what’s the time?
ex: we have a good time together
ex: Sorry, this is a bad time. 

4. times =次数
ex: I’ve been hiking for two times.
ex: I told you many times, knock the door before you come in.
ex: Every year, I travel many times.

5. go hiking =爬山 上山
ex: I hate hiking because it’s very tiring.
ex: I don’t like hiking because I’m lazy.

Speaking exercise

What’s your daughter doing? She is feeding bird. Does She need any help? I’ll be glad to help her. No. That’s ok, she can feed the bird by herself.