F2F Class Notes (Lily) [S]


can you describe your ideal life? 200 words. Try to use more conjunctions.


help= h al p
children= QIU dr en


I own choose–> I chose +by myself/ on my own
–> I cook +by myself / on my own
–> I do +homework by myself / on my own

he lives by himself= he lives on his own
she lives by herself= she lives on her own

your boyfriend is good to you –> be nice to you, give you water, cook for you
your boyfriend is good for you –> 适合你
going to university is good for you 


1.orphan (person)= a person with no parents (no mom no dad)
ex: A lot of people like to adopt orphans. 

2. adopt (verb)= 去领养
adoption( noun)= 领养
ex: I was adopted 10 years ago.
ex: I want to adopt a dog/ a cat/ a baby.
ex: Adoption is very popular among Americans.

3. turn on —— turn off = do this with electrical appliance
ex: turn on the AC, turn off the AC
ex: turn on the computer, turn off the computer

4. put on——take off= 穿脱
ex: it’s really cold so I need to put on my jacket.
ex: It’s really hot so I need to take off my hat.

Speaking exercise

Today it’s a normal day. I stayed at home like everyday. I watched the TV program on the video website and I also wanted to read a book but when I open my Kindle, it ran out of power. I played my phone in the morning, and I took a nap before I came the class.


Today it’s a normal day so I stayed at home like everyday. I watched the TV program on the video app and I also wanted to read a book but when I turned on my Kindle, it ran out of battery. So I played with my phone in the morning. When I finished my lunch,  I took a nap before I came to the class because I was very tired.