F2F Class Notes (Lily) [S]


1.sibling= you blood-related sisters and brothers
ex: Due to the one-child-policy, most people in China don’t have siblings. 
ex: Lily has two siblings, an older sister and a younger brother.

2. mommy boy= 妈å®
ex: A lot of Chinese men are mommy’s boy.
ex: I hate mommy boys, they are so immature. 

3. daddy’s girl =å°å…¬ä¸»
ex: I was a daddy’s girl, I was always protected by him.

4. mature—–immature= æˆç†Ÿ—幼稚
ex: I think most girls mature earlier than boys.
ex: Some men will never be mature. 

Speaking exercise

I haven’t a long time to have a rest, it caused the family so I thought marriage is very tired, not very happy. I thought maybe alone is better. My husband’s mom stay in hospital and lots of things to do. I take things to hospital and doctor, their family still tell me “you should do this and that”. Got married and no child is right choice. I have a lot of friends, they don’t want have baby. They just earn money and have a happy life. Recently I thought Japanese and Korean women is the best way, stay in home and take care of their family. We have a lot of talk recently, about his mom sick. I can’t talk to him because maybe something hurt him.


I haven’t had a rest for a long time to have a rest due to family matters, so I thought marriage is very tired and not very happy. I thought maybe being alone is better. My husband’s mom is staying in the hospital and there are lots of things to do. I have to take things to the hospital and to the doctor, their family still tells me “you should do this and that”. maybe getting and no child is the right choice. I have a lot of friends who don’t want to have a baby. They just earn money and have a happy life. Recently I realize that Japanese and Korean women probably have the best living style: stay in home and take care of their family. We had a lot of talks recently, about his mom’s illness. I can’t talk to him because maybe I might say something that could hurt him.