F2F Class Notes (Lily) [S]


1.vegetarian (noun) = the person who only eats veggies 素食主义者
ex: He is a vegetarian, he doesn’t eat meat.
ex: One passenger is a vegetarian, but he doesn’t order meal for vegetarians. 

2.adopt (verb)= 领养
ex: Some couples can’t have a baby, so they will adopt a baby.
ex: I adopted two cats.

3. rescue (verb)= to save
ex: The doctor rescued the dying patient.
ex: I rescued a cat from the water.

4. jet-lag (noun)= 时差
ex: I just came back from Canada, so I still have jet-lag.
ex: When I fly from Shanghai to London, I have jet-lag, I couldn’t fall asleep.

5. multi-task= 一次做很多事情
ex: I like to multi-task, I don’t like to do only one thing when I can finish 3 things at the same time.

Speaking exercise

I lost my cat two days before. Today we found it. I prayed to the God, if we found my cat, I will be vegetarian for one year. I’m happy and unhappy at the same time because I really like eat meat. It’s yellow and long hair cat. It’s a cat like dogs. I think he really likes people, just like dogs. We found he near the gate, I think he getting hurt by a wood, so we removed the things and get the cat. We have two cats in our home, one cat always ignore you, this cat near people. My boyfriend and I adopted WZ when he was little, we had him for one year. He likes eating my food, like KFC, congee, dumplings. I think I share a lot of things with him. I fly a lot, so my boyfriend stays home a lot. WZ be company with him.

why do you want to work for Lufthansa Airline?
I think I will get more holiday and environment will be good. The China company different with foreign company. Some cabin manager will be harsh, they say you are wrong and you can’t argue with him. I think in foreign company, we can talk the mistake.

Can you tell me about your advantages and disadvantages?
I have good temper, not easy to get angry. I have a lot patient for the kids. When I work, I think a lot things, sometimes moving slowly. I think I like the English culture so I will fit in the company.

Why did you leave your previous company?
In our country, airline always fly alot of time. We have deal with the jet-lag, if I work for Lufthansa Airline, I will just fly to German and China, the jet-lag is better for me. I like English environment, I want to study the German.


I lost my cat two days before. Today we found it. I prayed to the God, if we found my cat, I will be vegetarian for one year. I’m happy and unhappy at the same time because I really like to eat meat. It’s a yellow and long hair cat. My cat has dog traits. I think he really likes people, just like dogs. We found him near the gate, I think he got hurt by a piece of wood, so we removed the things and rescued the cat. We have two cats in our home, one cat always ignores you, this cat likes to be around people. My boyfriend and I adopted WZ when he was little, we had him for one year. He likes eating my food, like KFC, congee, dumplings. I think I share a lot of things with him. I fly a lot, so my boyfriend stays home a lot. WZ is his company at home.

why do you want to work for Lufthansa Airline?
I think I will get more holidays and the environment will be better. The Chinese company is different than foreign company. Some cabin managers will be harsh, they insist that you are wrong and you can’t argue with them. I think in a foreign company, we can talk it out.

Can you tell me about your advantages and disadvantages?
I have a good temper, I don’t get angry easily. not easy to get angry. I have a lot of patient for the kids. When I work, I think about a lot of things, sometimes I’m a little slowly. I think I like the English culture so I will fit in the company.

Why did you leave your previous company?
In our country, the airlines always fly a lot. We have to deal with the jet-lag, if I work for Lufthansa Airline, I will just fly between German and China, the jet-lag would be better for me. I like the English environment, I want to study the German.