F2F Class Notes (Lily) [S]


tell me about your ideal boyfriend (writing)


short vowel aeiou

January February March April May June July August September October November December


in+ (month) (big place)
ex: My birthday is in June. Joy’s birthday is in May.
ex: I’m in Shanghai, I’m not in HZ.
ex: in the morning, in the afternoon

on + (day) (road)
ex: My birthday is on June 19th. Joy’s birthday is on May 4th.
ex: On Valentine’s Day, I will go to Japan.
ex: Do you have time on the weekends (Saturday and Sunday)
ex: We are on West NanJing Road.


1. dog- puppy
cat- kitten
rabbit- bunny
person- baby

Speaking exercise

I meet with my friend just now, we have so long time totally about our life and our work. She will get married in October. We will participate their wedding.


I met with my friend just now, we talked a long time totally about our life and our work. She will get married in October. I will go to their wedding.