F2F Class Notes (Lily) [S]


short vowels and long vowels

they= DAY
this= dis
the= de
ex: This (dis) pen is on the (de) table.


I went to BJ to watching a movie–> to watch 

it needn’t water –> It doesn’t need water

Speaking exercise

I went to a school with my classmate to ask go abroad to a college. They told us some schools in the UK and told us something we should prepare to a UK college. They thought there are more and more students to go abroad school, it’s more difficult for them than before.


I went to a school with my classmate to ask for informations about attending a college abroad.go abroad to a college. They told us about some schools in the UK and told us the things we should prepare to go to a UK college. They believe that there are more and more students who want to go schools abroad, it’s more difficult for them to enter/enroll than before.