F2F Class Notes (Lily) [S]


bour (ber) = labour neighbor
famous= fay mus


1.fake= not real
ex: There are a lot of fake bags on the internet.
ex: My wife got me a pair of fake Nike.

2. break up= 分手
ex: She broke up with me.

3. realize= 察觉 发现
ex: I just realized that it’s Tuesday already!
ex: I didn’t realize that there’s a new manager in the company.
ex: I didn’t realize that my wallet was missing.

Speaking exercise

I have gone to JiuHua Mountain several times, probably I will go there this week. It is a famous Buddhist place, maybe it’s one of the fourth famous Buddhist place in China. It’s in Anhui province. I have visited there 8 or 9 times with my colleagues. I am a salesman, so if you are a salesman, you should go to there to pray. I haven’t decided to go there this week because I have lots of work to do. Every year, I go there in May because of the temperature. It is isn’t very hot, isn’t very cold. If you go there in June, I think it’s a little hot. In May, you are still in the first half of the year, but the first time I visited the JH Mountain, it was in 2004. I had broke with my ex-girlfriend for half a year. I went to JH Mountain to find her. Her hometown is close to JH Mountain. I knew that I can’t ask her to back, I just wanted to find her to say good-bye, because we didn’t say good-bye. We met with each other and then I visit JH Mountain alone.  She was back to her hometown before the spring festival in 2004, and she never came back to Shanghai. I didn’t realize that she break with me and never come back. When I realized that she broke with me for 5-6 months, I thought that I had to meet her once and say good-bye.


I have been to JiuHua Mountain several times, I will probably go there this week. It is a famous Buddhist place, maybe it’s one of the most popular Buddhist place/temple in China. It’s in Anhui province. I have visited there for 8 or 9 times with my colleagues. I am a salesman, so if you are a salesman, you should go to there to pray/worship. I haven’t decided if I should to go there this week because I have lots of work to do. Every year, I go there in May because of the temperature. It is isn’t very hot nor cold. If you go there in June, I think it’s a little hot. In May, you are still in the first half of the year, but the first time I visited the JH Mountain, it was in 2004. I broke up with my ex-girlfriend for half a year. I went to JH Mountain to find her. Her hometown is close to JH Mountain. I knew that I couldn’t get her back, I just wanted to find her to say good-bye, because we didn’t say good-bye. We met with each other and then I visited JH Mountain alone.  She was back to her hometown before the spring festival in 2004, and she never came back to Shanghai. I didn’t realize that she never came back to Shanghai after the break-up. When I realized that she broke up with me for 5-6 months, I thought that I had to meet her once and at least say good-bye.