F2F Class Notes (Lily) [S]


write about 996. what are the advantages/ disadvantages? should it be allowed/ banned? Personal experience?


1.plastic surgery= 整容
ex: Plastic surgery is very popular among young people nowadays.

2. courtesy= manner 礼仪
ex: In GOT, the knights kiss the Queen’s hand to show their courtesy. 
ex: In China, we shake hands to show our courtesy.

3. chubby>>>>fat>> obese
ex: Your baby girl is so chubby and cute!
ex: My mom is a little chubby, she’s on a diet.

4. drugstore/ pharmacy = somewhere to buy pills/medicines
ex:You should go to the pharmacy for medication and not the emergency.

5. prescription = sheet from the doctor for the medications
prescribe (verb) =开药
ex: Could you prescribe some antibiotics for me?
ex: Could you prescribe some sleeping pills for me? I have insomnia.

6. diarrhea (noun) (die a ree a )= cannot stop poopoo💩
constipation (noun) = no 💩

Speaking exercise

I’m so tired because I have take care of my baby during the holiday. Usually we would have some plans during the holiday, for example, go traveling or see some friends, but when I gave birth to my daughter last year, the only thing I should do is taking care of her. She is 10 months, especially when she sticks to me, I feel happy. She starts walking now.


I’m so tired because I had to take care of my baby during the holiday. Usually we would have some plans during the holiday, for example, go traveling or visit some friends, but after I gave birth to my daughter last year, the only thing I should do is to take care of her. She is 10 months, I feel happy especially when she sticks to me. She is starting to walk now.