F2F Class Notes (Lily) [S]


1. plan B= a emergency contraceptive pills
ex: You can buy plan B at the counter of the pharmacy.

2. prescribe = 开药
ex: Could you prescribe some pills for me? I have a severe headache.
ex: Could you prescribe some antibiotics for me?

3. stalk= 跟踪
stalker = 跟踪狂
ex: I stalked him on social medias
ex: I think there’s someone stalking us, we should run.

4.excellent wonderful amazing miraculous splendid enjoyable
weird strange ridiculous horrifying embarrassing

5. pick up/ drop off
ex: Can you pick me up from work?
ex: Can you drop me off to work?

6. backyard= the yard at the back of the house
ex: My mom planted green onions葱 in the backyard. 

Hertz Avis Alamo

Speaking exercise

We chose a restaurant which is famous for Shanghainese food, we wanted them to have a taste. The day before we meet is my friend’s birthday, so we bought little cake for him, we arrived there before them and ordered by ourselves without asking them, because my friend is very very passionate. If I waited for them to order, after it, he would pay for it. So we did all the things before they arrived, so when they arrive, they can just enjoy it. During the dinner time, I asked the questions. When I asked his fiancee “what do you see in him”, he seemed to be very happy. He thought about it seriously, and answered my question. After that, he asked my friend “what do you see in me”, my friend was shy. The dinner lasted about 2 hours. We talked a lot about the upcoming trip, the future about them. In the end, it was a excellent dinner.

I booked AirBnB in LA, because we want to drive to SF, so we booked the hotels along the road to SF. If I book the hotel, the same price but the hotel doesn’t have the good location.


We chose a restaurant which was known for Shanghainese food, we wanted them to have a taste. The day before we met/ our encounter, it was my friend’s birthday, so we bought small cake for him, we arrived there before them and ordered the food/dishes without (asking) them, because my friend is very very passionate. If I waited for them to order, he would definitely want to pay for it. So we prepared everything  before they arrived, so when they arrive, they can just enjoy it. During the dinner time, I asked the questions. When I asked his fiancee “what do you see in him”, he seemed to be very happy. He thought about it seriously, and answered my question. After that, he asked my friend “what do you see in me”, my friend was shy, he said his fiancee was very nice and valued the relationship.. The dinner lasted for 2 hours. We talked a lot about the upcoming trip, and their future (ahead). (In the end,) it was an excellent dinner.

I booked AirBnB in LA, because we want to drive to SF, so we booked the hotels along the way to SF. If I book the hotel, it will be the same price but with a crappy location.