F2F Class Notes (Lily) [S]


1.bored= nothing to do
ex: I am very bored at home, i don’t know what to do.

2.boring= not interesting
ex: He is a boring man, he does not like to social.

3. looks like= 长得像, resembles
ex: She looks like TangWei, she is very beautiful.

4. like= 像
ex: She’s like a pig, she eats and sleeps all day. 她和猪一样
ex: You’re like my mom, stop telling me what to do.

5. intern= the person doing internship 实习生
ex: I am an intern in ABC Company.

6. internship= 实习
ex: I have internship experience for one year.

Speaking exercise

Last night, I have a date with a girl. She’s like TangWei, my favourite type of girls. She’s my friend’s friend. I have known her for one week. She likes laugh, she likes drink some cocktail, tequila, she don’t like drink beer. She said the same thing as you. She is very very sweet. We talk interesting. We don’t feel embarrassed. She studied in Japan, she is Shanghainese. She needs to go back to Japan. She leaves on Shanghai in April. I like girl always need to go abroad. I had affection with three girls, but they always need to go abroad to study. We had dinner on West NanJing Road. Then we went to private theater/ cinema.

I’m so boring, I always go to work, get off work, and training alone.


Last night, I had a date with a girl. She looks like TangWei, my favourite type of girls. She’s my friend’s friend. I have known her for one week. She likes to laugh, she likes to drink some cocktail, tequila, she doesn’t like to drink beer. She said the same thing as you. She is very very sweet. We had an interesting talk . We don’t feel embarrassed. She studies in Japan, she is Shanghainese. She needs to go back to Japan. She will leave on Shanghai in April. The girls I like girl always need to go abroad. I had affections with three girls, but they had to go abroad to study. We had dinner on West NanJing Road. Then we went to private theater/ cinema.

I have a boring life. I always go to work, get off work, and training alone.