F2F Class Notes (Lily) [S]


flour= flower
floor= fl or

turtle= ter tou


1. in their forties= around 40 years old
in my thirties= around 30 years old
ex: the ladies are in their forties.

2. early twenties
mid thirties
late forties
ex: I miss the time when I was in my early twenties.
ex: Nemo is in his mid thirties.  :)))

3, hilarious= super funny
ex: the movie was hilarious.

4. memorial hall= 纪念馆
ex: we went to the memorial hall in KunShan.

5. pay tribute to = 致敬
ex: we need to pay tribute to Chen Yun.
ex: On QingMing, we pay tribute to our ancestors.

6. honey= 蜂蜜
ex: you can dip the zong zi in honey.

7. National day= the birthday of the country
ex: in Canada, the National Day is on July 1st.

Speaking exercise

The day before yesterday, we had a small trip to KunShan for the communist party of China. Next week is the communist birthday of China. We have a celebration/ event in Kunshan. It’s very crowded. In the afternoon, we have a trip for the Chen Yun’s residence.


The day before yesterday, we had a short trip to KunShan for the communist party of China. Next week will be the foundation day of the communist party of China. We have a celebration/ event in Kunshan. It was very crowded. In the afternoon, we visited Chen Yun’s residence.