F2F Class Notes (Lily) [S]


1.improvise= make up something on your own
ex: I forgot my lines, I had to improvise something.

2. funeral (noun)= 葬礼
ex: you could have a funeral for your pet.

3. stray dog= 流浪狗
ex: He is a stray dog but we adopted him.

4. depressed= 抑郁
ex: Their cat was very depressed after he left.

Speaking exercise

Bob Cat is a special cat, his owner is a homeless man. I saw a movie about this story three years ago, but last week, I heard a news that the cat, he dead. His owner post some pictures and post the message on instagram. Many people from anywhere in the world give him some tributes/ comforts. The movie is re-downloaded many times. I reviewed the movie 2 days ago, so I’m moved always.


Bob Cat is a special cat, his owner is a homeless man. I saw a movie about this story three years ago, but last week, I heard the news that the cat was dead. His owner posted some pictures and posted the message on instagram. Many people from all over in the world gave him comforts/paid some tributes. The movie had been re-downloaded many times. I re-watched the movie 2 days ago, so I’m touched.