F2F Class Notes (Lily) [S]


1. considerate (adj)= can think about others 善解人意
ex: she’s very considerate, she always puts other people before her.

2. polygamy= 一夫多妻制
ex: the Mormons support polygamy.

3. traditional (adj)= old-fashioned
ex: My mom is very traditional, I can’t go out after dark.

4. president= the head of a country
ex: Donald Trump is the president of USA.

Speaking exercise

I think I will get in Ravenclaw because I test and I think I’m not fit in the other house. Ravenclaw is the most matching with me. Ravenclaw is smart and fair, and can think about others. Griffindore is brave and energy, I’m not that one.


I think I will get in Ravenclaw because I don’t fit in the other houses. Ravenclaw is the most matching house with me/ Ravenclaw suits me the most. Ravenclaw is smart, fair and considerate. Griffindore is brave and energetic, I’m not like that.