F2F Class Notes (Lily) [S]

Next Class Focus

correct the speaking next class


do you eat spicy food?= 你吃不吃辣?

do you dye your hair by yourself? = 你会自己染头发吗
did you dye your hair= 你染头发了吗?
have you dyed your hair= 你染过头发吗?


1.hotpot= 火锅🍲
ex: did you eat hotpot?
ex: do you eat hotpot?

2. good at XX= 擅长XX
ex: are you good at cooking?
ex: I’m good at playing piano.

3. bad at XX= 不擅长XX
ex: we’re really bad at math.
ex: I’m bad at drawing.

4. suck (verb) 很烂/ suck at XX
ex: you suck at cooking! look at this!
ex: this restaurant sucks, I don’t like it here.

5. smog= smoke + fog
ex: SH is very smoggy.
ex: There’s no smog in Canada.

Speaking exercise

My boyfriend is in Toronto now but he is really a sensitive man. I told him that his father said it’s better to immigrate to Canada because she is single. My boyfriend said “what are you thinking about, do you mean you want your mother to immigrate to Canada? not my father’s idea”. I said no. This is not my idea, so he was in a bad mood. We have been classmate all along in China.