F2F Class Notes (Lily) [S]


1. flaw= 缺陷
ex: everyone has different flaws.
ex: What’s your flaw?

2.typo= typing error
ex: he has many typos in his paper.

3. peer pressure= when you do things because other people do it
ex: lots of people are anxious for marriage due to peer pressure.
ex: She started smoking due to peer pressure.

Speaking exercise

We designed a lot of game to help out trainee to realise their issue of their willpower. it’s an outdoor activities. They need to answer a lot of different questions. Once they answer right they can get one point and you can give up at any time when you think your point is enough but if you insist to finish all the questions you will be awarded a very big prize. if you answer incorrect you will lose everything.


We designed a lot of games to help our trainee to overcome their problems with their willpower. it’s an outdoor activity. They need to answer a lot of different questions. Once you answer them right, you can get one point and you can give up at any time when you think you have enough points, but if you insist to finish all the questions you will be awarded a very big prize. if you answer the questions incorrectly you will lose everything.