F2F Class Notes (Lily) [S]


do a writing using the words we learned today


main= may n


1.update= 更新
updated= 更新了
ex: When I want to find a new job, I need to update my resume.
ex: My computer is updating the programs, it will take 30 mins.

2. episode= 集
season= 季
ex: I’m on season 2, episode 5.
ex: I’m on episode 6.

3. light/ fair/ pale 苍白= 形容人皮肤白
ex: She has very light skin so she looks young.
ex: Lily are you ok? You look pale.

4. dark/ tanned= 形容人皮肤黑
ex: TLY has very dark skin.
ex: I am very tanned after my trip to Hawaii, because I was always at the beach.

5. scumbag= 渣男
ex: ChenSiCheng is a scumbag, he cheated on his wife.
ex: My ex is a scumbag, he took away my wedding ring.

6. entertainment industry= 演艺圈
ex: In the entertainment industry, everyone sleeps with everyone.
ex: most men play games as their entertainment.

7. bi- 两个
bicycle = 二轮车 自行车
bi-sexual= 双性恋
ex: Lots of people in the entertainment are bi-sexual.

8. obvious (o vee yes)= 显然的 明显的
ex: It’s very obvious that he likes you, he always looks at you.
ex: it’s obvious that you don’t like this job, you look so sad working here.
ex: It’s obvious that you’re tired, you can’t even open your eyes.
ex: are you tired? Obviously, I worked for the whole day !

Speaking exercise

I find an interesting drama, I don’t like romantic dramas, I prefer detective, machiavellian dramas. I watched the drama currently named “QingYuNian”, I think the novel is better than the drama, because the drama need to be changed story that it can be approved on the TV. It updates 6 episodes a week. I watched this drama because of the actor ChengDaoMing. He hasn’t appeared on the screen for a long time.


I found an interesting drama, I don’t like romantic dramas, I prefer detective, machiavellian dramas. Recently, I watched the drama named “QingYuNian”, I think the novel is better than the drama, because the story of the drama needed to be changed/modified so that it could be approved on the TV. It updates 6 episodes a week. I watched this drama because of the actor ChengDaoMing. He hasn’t appeared on the screen for a long time.