F2F Class Notes (Lily) [S]


1.it’s not my thing= it’s not something I’d do/ I’m not good at XX
ex: math is not my thing.
ex: long distance relationship is not my thing. 
ex: Drawing is not my thing.
ex: It’s not my thing to check my wife’s phone.

2. peek (verb)= 偷看
peek-a-boo= 躲猫猫
ex: I never peek into his phone because I don’t want to know the truth.
ex: can I take a (quick) peek?
ex: When I was in high school, I peeked at my cheat sheet.

3. cheat sheet= 小抄
ex: We have all used a cheat sheet during our years of studying.

4. pro= 专业的
ex: my sister is a pro at cheating.
ex: I am a pro at taking the subway.
ex: Your wife is a pro at training her husband.

5. no sense of direction= 路痴
ex: I have no sense of direction. 

6. pillow (noun)= 枕头
ex: When we were younger, we loved to have pillow fights with our friends.

7. suffocate (verb)= 使XX窒息
ex: Little kids should not play with plastic bags to avoid suffocation.
ex: little babies might suffocate themselves by accident.

8. sleep on the tummy = 趴着睡
ex: Babies under 3 months should not sleep on their tummy, because they might suffocate themselves.

9. hint (verb+ noun)= 暗示
ex: It’s hard to hint my boyfriend what I want to buy.
ex: I don’t know the answer for this question, can you give me a hint?

10. cheap= 抠门的
ex: He’s really cheap because he never pays for the meal.

11. YOLO= You Only Live Once 活在当下
ex: You wife doesn’t believe in YOLO.

Speaking exercise

Usually I need to prepare a gift for my wife. She has already hint me to buy a Dyson hairdryer, it’s 2800, it’s cheaper than the gift last year. It’s a good thing for my wife to be cheap, we could buy an apartment. She can save about 200,000 each year.


Usually I need to prepare a gift for my wife on Christmas. She has already hinted me to buy a Dyson hairdryer, it’s 2800, it’s cheaper than the gift I got last year. It’s a good character for my wife to be cheap, we could buy an apartment from the money she’s saved in the past years. She can save about 200,000 each year.