F2F Class Notes (Lily) [S]


stuffed= filled
ex: stuffed animal 毛绒玩具
ex: I sleep with 2 stuffed animals at night.

cocky= 傲的
ex: he’s so cocky, he thinks he’s super rich and I married him for his money.

give it a shot= try
ex: I want to give it a shot= I want to try it out.

thailand = 泰国
thai= 泰国人/泰国的
ex: there are lots of good Thai restaurants in Shanghai.

authentic= 正宗的
ex: That restaurant is very authentic.

Speaking exercise

I think the promotion is quite natural, when I was introduced with our CFO and attended this company, I was defined a talent in pipeline. I was not surprised about the promotion. For the coming challenging work, I do have a lot of concerns because the position will face a lot of senior leadership team. I have to deal with something which is not aligned with the management team. If there is no alignment with the upper management, then execution could be very difficult. I’m the person to execute the big project. If I was promoted to deal with important project, then I have to in a quite high position than my current situation, which was discussed by our CFO, she agreed to issue an important announce to promote me. In the future position, my counterpart all in very high position, so I have to be promoted to a similar position, in which I can manage them officially. I’m sure that there is a bunch of difficulties waiting there, but I still want to try because in my age, if I want to try the coming opportunity, then I will just stop here and won’t go further in my career. There is high risk that maybe I will drown in the danger caused by the unalignment and the execution result, then I have to go home and take care of my child.

Most of the leadership team are French people, I have to practice my French- English listening level. When I was working in another company, I was AsianPacific role. I was in charge of the financial role including Vietnam, Africa, I have to be used to their different kinds of accents. At that time, my line manager was an American, he also had the difficulty. When I said I find it too difficult to communicate with Indian colleague. My manager said, “on the contrary, I find it more difficult to communicate with Japanese and Thailand colleagues. ”


I think the promotion is quite natural, when I was introduced to our CFO and joined this company, I was seen as a high potential talent in the department. I was not surprised about the promotion. For the upcoming challenging work, I do have a lot of concerns because the position will have lots of interactions with the senior leadership team members. I have to deal with something which will be not aligned with the management team. If there is no alignment with the upper management, then the execution could be very difficult. I’m the person to execute the big project. If I were promoted to deal with such important projects, then I have to be in a higher position than my current one, which was approved by our CFO, she agreed to make an announcement for my promotion. For my new role, my counterparts will all be in very high positions, so I have to be promoted to a similar position, in which I can manage them officially. I’m sure that there will a bunch of difficulties waiting out there, but I still want to try because at my age, if I don’t give it a shot, then I will just stop here and won’t go any further in my career. There is high risk that maybe I will drown in the danger caused by the unalignment and the undesirable execution result, then I have to go home and take care of my child.

Most of the leadership team are French people, I have to practice my French- English listening ability. When I was working in another company, I was in an AsianPacific role. I was in charge of the financial department including Vietnam, Africa, I have to be used to their different kinds of accents. At that time, my line manager was an American, he also had the difficulty. When I said I find it too difficult to communicate with the Indian colleagues. My manager said, “on the contrary, I find it more difficult to communicate with Japanese and Thailand colleagues. ”