F2F Class Notes (Lily) [S]


watch “how to get away with murder”. 逍遥法外


ind= mind find grind binder blind


1.clock -in =打卡
clock- out
ex: I have to clock in when I get to the office.
ex: I don’t need to clock in or clock out at work because I have students waiting for me.

2. attendance= 考勤
ex: In high school, our teacher will take the attendance every class.

3. soft (adj)= 轻声的
ex: his talks too softly, I can’t hear him.
ex: your voice is too soft, can you speak louder?

4. criminology= 犯罪学
ex: My sister majored in criminology and sociology.

5. psychology = 心理学
ex: Most girls like to study psychology, because it’s a fun subject.

6.audio= 音频
ex: I had to listen to lots of audios when I studied for the bar exam.

7. factor= 因素
ex: I will consider the different factors and decide if I want to accept the offer.

Speaking exercise

Maybe my daughter grow up, I have more time, I will choose law firm. In the law firm, there are more opportunities get in contact with more legal things. Maybe I will change my mind because I’m lazy.


Maybe when my daughter grows up, I will have more time, I will choose to work at a law firm. In the law firm, there are more opportunities to get in contact with more legal affairs/issues/ cases. Perhaps I will change my mind because I’m lazy.