F2F Class Notes (Lily) [S]


1.replace (verb)= 替换
replacement (noun) =替换
ex: there’s a hole in my sweater, can I replace it for a new one?
ex: You can get a screen replacement at Apple for 400 yuan.
ex: I tried to use the new medicine to replace the old one.

2. norm (noun)= 惯例
ex: the norm of tipping is different in different countries.

3. split the bill= AA
ex: In china, is it common to split the bills among couples?
ex: would you like to split the bill or pay together?

4. cheap (person) = 抠门的
(thing)= low price
ex: our boss is so cheap, she never treats us for dinner.
ex: I got the smart TV for just 1000! It’s so cheap!

Speaking exercise

my sister has 2-3 clothes brands. They don’t need to worry about how to make the money, they just need to enjoy the lives. I talked to my sister, when they get older, more younger girls will beyond them. By then, they will have risk. She’s 34-36, but she looks very beautiful, maybe she uses lots of cosmetics. She’s single but she told me she has a boyfriend, they didn’t meet very often.

For me, I don’t like this type of life, I need to set up every step. I have some elderly colleagues in my previous company, they are success guy because they can got good salary each month. They don’t consider them very well, just spend a lot of money for fun to the night clubs, to connect other girls. In the end, one of them lose all the money, become a poor situation. First of all, they need to work in the regular time, but when they connect some dangerous things (play gamble), they couldn’t focus on their job and couldn’t finish the target for the company.


my sister has 2-3 clothes brands. She doesn’t need to worry about how to make the money, she just need to enjoy her life. I talked to my sister, when they get older, more younger girls will replace them. By then, they will lose their advantage. She’s 34-36, but she looks very beautiful, maybe she uses lots of cosmetics. She’s single but she told me she has a boyfriend, they don’t meet very often.

For me, I don’t like this type of life, I need to plan out every step. I have some older colleagues in my previous company, they are successful guys because they are well paid. They don’t consider themselves very well off,  they just spend a lot of money for fun and go to the night clubs, to play with other girls. In the end, one of them lost all the money, become a poor situation. First of all, they need to work during regular hours, but when they come across some dangerous things (play gamble), they couldn’t focus on their job and couldn’t finish the target for the company.