F2F Class Notes (Lily) [S]


1.compensation= è¡¥å¿é‡‘
ex:I fell down in HDL, and they promised to give me a big compensation.

2.postpone= 延åŽ
ex: I can’t postpone the launch date anymore.
ex: Can we postpone the meeting? I’m in another meeting.
ex: We need to postpone the deadline because I’m too busy doing other things.

3. going nuts=  getting crazy
ex: I’m going nuts because the 10th floor has been renovating for months.

4. sound proof= 隔音
ex: the ear plugs are so sound proof that I can’t even hear my alarm.

5. waterproof= 防水
ex: AirPods are waterproof, I don’t understand why.

6. touch wood= 呸呸呸
ex: when my sister says my boyfriend will break up with me, I will tell her to “touch wood”.

Speaking exercise

I want to be laid off, because I can get some money.

I had been worked for 3 or 4 days until 12 o’clock in the morning last week, because my leader of my last company asked me to help them with some design work. I need to design some offline printing materials like poster, name cards, etc. I finished it last weekend, and on Sunday, I have a friend who was her birthday, then I bought a birthday cake which look like a lot of money on the cake. It just looks good but it tastes awful. We ate one piece of cake and then leave it in the restaurant. I always just give them cash because I don’t want to think of the present. I will give them the number of my birthday date. I think giving a present to other people is difficult because in many situations, people can’t get the present which they really want. I don’t hold a birthday party, so I don’t have this present. I just told them don’t buy me gifts, I don’t want have a birthday party. I think it’s easy for us because you don’t have to think a present.

This year, I decide present for everyone because I saw a movie again. I think you have a present which is your best friend bought, it’s a good thing when a lot of years later. It’s truly a difficult thing.


I want to be laid off, because I can get some compensation.

I had been working for 3 or 4 days until 12 o’clock in the morning last week, because my leader of my last/previous/former company asked me to help them with some design work. I need to design some offline printing materials like poster, name cards, etc. I finished them last weekend, and on Sunday, I have a friend who had her birthday, then I bought a birthday cake which looked like a lot of money on the cake. It just looked good but it tasted awful. We ate one piece of the cake and then left it in the restaurant. I always just give them cash because I don’t want to think of the present. I will give them the number of my birthday date. I think giving a present to other people is difficult because in many situations, people can’t get the present which they really want. I don’t host a birthday party, so I don’t have this present.  just tell them don’t buy me gifts, I don’t want to have a birthday party. I think it’s easy for us because you don’t have to think of a present.

This year, I decided to buy a present for everyone because I saw a movie that triggered me. I think if your best friends buys you something, you can look back many years later and remember the good times. , it’s a good thing when a lot of years later. It’s truly a difficult thing to shop for the right present.