F2F Class Notes (Lily) [S]


1.diarrhea= 便秘(die a ree a )
ex: did you know that 30% of the people have diarrhea?

2. constipation = 拉肚子💩
ex: my upset stomach will be followed with constipation. 

3. hesitate (verb)= 犹豫
ex: I’m hesitating of whether I should go to HK.
ex: Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

4. insurance= 保险
ex: I bought a life insurance in HK so I have to go there and open an account.

Speaking exercise

I need to HK but the situation is very dangerous, so I am not too sure when I can go there. Due to have many important matter to do in HK. This is one of my worry this month. I bought the insurance, I need to open account in HK bank, so I have to go to there. Everyday I talked with my friend about XZ, everyday we can talk more and more.


I need to go to HK but the situation is very dangerous, so I am not too sure when I can go there. I have something important to do important matter to do in HK. This is one of my worries this month. I bought the insurance, I need to open a bank account in HK bank, so I have to go to there. Everyday I talked with my friend about XZ, everyday we can talk more and more.