F2F Class Notes (Lily) [S]


you can see almost marine animals—> you can see almost all of the sea creatures there

except– 除了
other than= 除了
ex: she doesn’t like any rides except for Merry-Go-Around 旋转木马
ex: Other than Merry-Go-Around, she doesn’t like any rides.


1.rides= 娱乐项目🎢
ex: her favorite ride was the roller coaster.

2. Merry-Go-Around= 旋转木马🎠
ex: She can only go on the Merry-Go-Around in the amusement park.

3. ferris wheel= 摩天轮🎡
ex: There’s a very popular Ferris wheel in JoyCity.

4. acrophobia= 恐高症
ex: she has acrophobia, she refuses to be off her feet.

5. tag= 追赶游戏
ex: she likes to play tag with me, but I’m too old to run/chase after her.

Speaking exercise

Some employees think it’s a good thing to be laid off, if the base salary is 20,000, they can get 200,000. They have trip to Europe to buy some luxury good. It depends on their personal ability. If the result of the negotiation of the result is n+5, it means I can get n+8. If the redundancy is by negotiation, every number is ok.


Some employees think it’s a good thing to be laid off, if their base salary is 20,000, they can get 200,000. They can go on a  trip to Europe to buy some luxury goods. It depends on their personal ability. If the result of the negotiation  is n+5, it means I can get n+8. If the redundancy is done by negotiation, every number is acceptable.