F2F Class Notes (Lily) [S]


1.down jacket= 羽绒æœ
ex: You don’t really need to wear a down jacket in Shanghai. It never gets THAT cold.
ex: You need to wear a down jacket when you are outdoor in Winter.

2. fulfilled= 充实的
ex: After reading about the history of the Great Wall of China, I feel fulfilled as I stand on the building.

3. cheap= 抠门
ex: Most Americans are cheap, they like to split the bill among friends.

Speaking exercise

In travel, one gains more than reading book.

First, reading book is most important. Before you grow up, you learned information knowledge from the books first as a small child, and then you started to think of think of the history problem or culture conflicts and decide it’s better to travel a lot to have the self experience on that. It will help you to understand the knowledge, the history background better.

From my experience, if I’m planning to visit a place or have a travel to another country, before that, I will buy some books regarding the history of the country. First I study history and the culture. It’s good to make the plan before the trip. Maybe it’s different for different people. Some people maybe just want to take a travel and relax themselves. Some people prefer to visit some places with more history stories or some interesting culture differences. I’m the second one. If I didn’t study the history of a country and I just go there, I will feel blank.


In travel, one gains more than reading book.

First, reading book is the most important thing. Before you grow up, you learned information knowledge from the books first as a small child, and then you started to wonder about the history problem or culture conflicts and decide it’s better to travel to gain personal experience on that. It will help you to understand the knowledge, the history background better.

From my experience, if I’m planning to visit a place or have a trip to another country, before that, I will buy some books regarding the history of the country before I go. First I study the history and the culture. It’s good to make some plans before the trip. Maybe it’s different for different people. Maybe some people maybe just want to go on a trip and relax themselves. Some people prefer to visit some historical places with more history stories to see some interesting culture differences. I’m the second kind of person. If I didn’t study the history of a country and I just go there empty-handed, I will feel blank.