F2F Class Notes (Lily) [S]


1.escalator (noun)= 扶梯
elevator =电梯
ex: When you go to a shopping mall, do you like to take the escalator or the elevator? ex: I like to take the escalator because there are always people lining up for the elevator. 

2.trade-in = give your phone in for another new phone
ex: You can trade in your iPhone X for iPhone 11, and you would only pay around 6000 RMB.

3. impression= 印象
ex: I have a good impression of you because you gave me a box of sushi.

4. love at first sight = 一见钟情
ex: Lily doesn’t believe in love at first sight, because men are all cunning.

Speaking exercise

The usurers are always people you know or your parents know, if you don’t pay the money back to them, they would ask you, find your parents, find your friends, find your relatives. If you cut someone’s arm, you should go to jail. I know there is a village, all of the people who live in this village borrow money from usurers and they never return the money.

do you believe in first impression?
The first impression is important, but it’s not the most important thing. A good first impression is a good start for two strangers. They can get along with each other for a long time.


The usurers are always people you know or whom your parents know, if you don’t pay the money back to them, they would look for your parents, find your friends, find your relatives. If you cut someone’s arm, you would go to jail. I know there is a village where all of the people who live in this village borrow money from usurers and they never return the money.

do you believe in first impression?
The first impression is important, but it’s not the most important thing. A good first impression is a good start for two strangers. They can get along with each other for a long time.