F2F Class Notes (Lily) [S]


world= were road
word= werd


1.abortion =堕胎
ex: In some countries, it’s illegal to have an abortion. 

2. wth= what the heck?
ex: Lily I can’t come for dinner anymore. WTH?

3. Why the heck did you do that?
Why on earth did you do that? 🙂

4. diaper (noun)= 尿片
ex: when you change his diapers, you will feel even more disappointed.

5. chromosomes
ex: you need Y chromosomes to have a baby boy.

6. calcium =钙
ex: are you taking calcium?

Speaking exercise

When I know I have a boy, I feel very disappointed, and then I just told the thing to the friends around me. I don’t think they can understand, I really really want a girl even many people want a boy. When they try to comfort me, they would think I’m a little overreacting. After I saw the reaction around me, I stopped saying that.


When I found out that I have a boy, I was very disappointed, and then I just told the news to the friends around me. I don’t think they can understand, I really really want a girl even though many people want a boy. When they try to comfort me, they would think I’m a little overreacting. After I saw the reactions around me, I stopped mentioning it.