F2F Class Notes (Lily) [R/W]



Speaking exercise

Q: Do you know anyone who dropped out of school?

A: I had a classmate drop out university in the first year. He absorbed in playing games, so he seldom come to class.

I had a classmate who dropped out of university in the first year. He was into playing games, so he seldom came to class.

Writing exercise

The article tells us the reasons why students dropout from school in American.

Most of them just haven’t enough preparation in earlier times and want to quit study.

However, the US Census bureau shows the data of different income with different education background which implicates good education background will affects the person development in society.

So many schools adopts this implication and offer more class for students.


The article tells us the reasons why students dropout from schools in America. 

Most of them just haven’t don’t have enough preparation in earlier times and want to quit school. 

However, the US Census bureau shows the data of different incomes with different education backgrounds, which shows/indicates that good education backgrounds will result in better incomes.

So Therefore, many schools adopts this implication and offer more classes to students.


unemployed= un- em- ployed (not un-em-plo- yEd)