F2F Class Notes (Lily) [R]


Road rage is aggressive behaviour by drivers on the road.  It has become so common that some psychologists say it is a mental disorder. Many things can cause road rage. Some driving experts think that road rage occurs because people watch chase scenes on TV. Others watch Formula One races and want to copy their favourite driver. Road rage results in accidents, which can lead to serious injuries or the death of other road participants.


aggressive: boldly assertive and forward; pushy

ex: an aggressive driver

ex: If you boyfriend has aggressive behaviors, you should correct him immediately.

expert: a person who has special skill or knowledge in some particular field; specialist; authority:

ex: He is an expert in the medicine field.

occur (verb): happen

ex: Road rage occurs because people watch too much chase scenes on TV.

ex: Road rages occurs because there are too many cars.

result (noun): report (jie guo)

ex: Do you have my test result?

ex: Do you know the result of my blood test?

result (V) : be the outcome (dao zhi)

ex: Road rage results in accidents.