F2F Class Notes (Lily) [R]


A race is a group of people who have the same skin color and physical features.  There are a few main races in the world, like Europeans or Caucasians, Blacks, or Asians.

Racists are people who believe that some races are better and more important than others. They think that their own race is the best and that other races are physically and mentally inferior to them. In many cases racists feel threatened by others. Racism exists in many countries. Minorities are often discriminated against and have problems getting jobs, houses or the same education as others.

There has been racism throughout history. Western scientists and philosophers have often tried to prove that white people are supreme to others. In the past, governments have often justified their legal and economic system with racism. It has led to slavery and even the cold-blooded murder of whole population groups. Racism has made people afraid of their leaders.


inferior- in fair-rier

minorities- mine o ri ties

supreme- su PREEEM

slavery- SLAY ver ry


inferior: lower in place or position

ex: Some people think that other races are inferior to them.

minorities: a smaller party or group opposed to a majority, as in voting or other action.

ex: Minorities are often discriminated against and have problems getting jobs, houses or the same education as others.

slavery (noun) : condition of a slave (the person)

ex: Racism has led to slavery.