F2F Class Notes (Lily) [R]


Euthanasia comes from the Greek language and means „good death“. Another word for euthanasia is “mercy killingâ€. It is the end of an ill person’s life in a painless way.

In the past years there has been much discussion about euthanasia all over the world. In some countries, like Switzerland, Belgium or the Netherlands certain types of euthanasia are legal. In other countries where euthanasia is illegal courts do not punish people who practiceit.

Reasons for Euthanasia

  • Everyone has a right to decide when their life should end.
  • If the quality of life has become so bad, a person may feel too much physical or emotional pain.
  • Today’s hospitals are overcrowded and have too many patients. Some argue that they should let those die that do not have a chance of living on. In that way there could be more room for patients with diseases that can be cured.

Reasons against Euthanasia

  • Doctors have a problem with euthanasia because they have sworn an oath that does not allow them to take part in the killing of people.
  • Sometimes it is not clear if an ill person really wants to die. Euthanasia should only take place if someone really wants it or if they understand how ill they are.


  1. mercy= compassionate shown toward  an enemy

ex: “please have mercy on me, I didn’t mean to kill her”.

2. i didn’t mean to= unintentionally

ex: ” sorry I didn’t mean to step on you”

ex: ” I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings”

” Sorry for hitting your car, I didn’t mean to, I wasn’t paying attention”.

in coma= a state of prolonged unconsciousness, including a lack of response to stimuli

ex: He’s in a coma and he can’t move or talk.