F2F Class Notes (Lily) [R]



Road rage is aggressive behaviour by drivers on the road.  It has become so common that some psychologists say it is a mental disorder. Many things can cause road rage. Some driving experts think that road rage occurs because people watch chase scenes on TV. Others watch Formula One races and want to copy their favourite driver. Road rage results in accidents, which can lead to seriousinjuries or the death of other road participants.

In today’s world, driving is a very stressful and risky activity. A driver must be alert at all times and not get distracted by other things, like phone calls or fellow drivers. When a motorist becomes angry they often do wrong things, which lead to aggressive behaviour. Drivers tend to change lanes frequently or increase their speed to overtake another car because they are not patient enough. Others flash their lights all the time to show their impatience. Road rage also includes gestures or shouting towards other drivers, bad language or threatening others.


rage= r- age (letter a sound) (not reeege)

scene= seen

serious= see- ree- yes

agressive= agre- ssive (not agree- sive)

alert= a- lert (er sound)

impatience (noun) = im- pA- tion-s

threatening= threa- tun- ning (short e sound)

throat= thro t (letter o sound)


  1. swear at= say mean things (ma ren)

ex: He likes to swear at people.

2. swear= to promise or undertake on oath or in a solemn manner; vow.

ex: Marriage vow: “I swear that I will love you for the rest of my life”

3. imitate= to ressemble, to copy

ex: Children like to imitate their parents.

ex: The students imitated the teacher behind her back.

4. copycat= a person or thing that copies, imitates, mimics, or follows the lead of another, as a child who says or does exactly the same as another child.

ex: ” Stop being a copycat! ”

5. choke = to suffer from or as from strangling or suffocating:

ex: I choked on my apple.

ex: He choked on a piece of food.