2 F2F Class Notes (Lily) [R]


do you want to live by yourself? Or with a roommate? why?


fear=fee 而
feel= fee 欧

world = were road

chin= ch in

stick= s dick

tale tell tail till

sale sell sail sill

second= se cund

ai: tail pail sail rail rain pain drain maid frain vain rainbow gain jail
ay: way hay clay pray say lay fay railway pay crayfish tray jay

ea: peach preach beach bleach feast teach reach beneath leap fear tear lean mean
ee: keen seen been peek-a-boo teenager feed weed deep Creed jeep trainee
ey/y: rainy sunny donkey money lady cloudy stormy funny hunny story


1.mean (adj)= very bossy 很凶的 很坏的
ex: My math teacher was so mean to me, he would ask me to stand in the hallway.
ex: The waiter was so mean when I wanted to order food in the restaurant

2. crayfish= 小龙虾
ex: I had crayfish last night so I have pimples now.

3. pain (noun)= 疼痛
painfully (adv)= 疼痛得
ex: My trainer always says “No pain No gain ”
ex: he cries painfully in the car accident.
ex: I was in pain when someone stepped on my foot.

4. step on XX= 踩到XX
ex: I stepped on bird’s shit.
ex: Hey! You stepped on me!!!

5. peek= 偷看 偷窥
ex: Do you peek at others’ answers during the test?
ex: I like to peek at my boyfriend’s phone.
ex: let me take a peek!

6. pervert (noun)=变态
perverted (adj)= 变态的
ex: Sometimes I feel like I’m a pervert.
ex: There are lots of perverts on the subway.


long long ago, there were three little pigs who lived with their mother. the first pig was white, the second was black, the third was spotted. One day they said, mother dear, isn’t it time for us to go out into the world and build our own home. Yes said mother pig, but look out for the wolf. So the three pigs started out, the first little pig met a man with some straw. Please sir, give me some straw, said the little pif to the man.

Along came the wolf. He knocked at the door, and the little pig opened the window to peep out. Little pig, little pig, let me come in, said the wolf in a loud voice. No by the hair of my chinny chin chin. You are the wolf and you can’t come in, said the little pig. Then i’ll huff and i’ll puff and i’ll blow your house in, said the wolf.

the second little pig met a man with some sticks. please sir give me a few of those sticks, I want to build a house. The man gave him some sticks and the pif built a little house. Along came the wolf.

Then i’ll huff and i’ll puff, and i’ll blow your house in, said the wolf. So he huffed and puffed and he puffed and he huffed and blew the house in and ate up the little pig. The third little pig met a man with some bricks. Please sir give me some bricks, said the pig, I want to build a house. The man gave him some bricks, and the pig built a little brick house. Along came the wolf and knocked at the door. Let me in, let me in, he said. No by the hair of my chinny chin chin. You are the wolf and you can’t come in.