F2F Class Notes (Lily) [R]


I don’t wanna ordinary–> I don’t wanna be so ordinary

to+                regular verb

ex: I can go home before 10pm.
ex: I must go home before 10pm.


1.common= pu bian de
ex: it’s very common to use chopsticks in China

2. western= xi fang de
ex: do you like to eat western food?
ex: do you like the western culture?

3. salary= how much money you make , gong zi
ex: when people ask me about my salary, I never answer them directly.
ex: if you want to get more salary, you need to work harder.

4. unless= Chu fei
ex: I will not go to dinner unless you go with me.
ex: I will not teach you English unless you pay me.
ex: you can’t eat candy unless you finish your homework.

5. deal= Hua suan
ex: I got a very good deal on the t-shirts.
ex: I got a good deal on the rent.
ex: the things in the supermarket are on sale, you can get a good deal.

6. private= personal, si ren de
ex: private school
ex: private matter= si shi

8. probably= you ke nene
ex: I can probably go to dinner at 8pm.
ex: you will probably see me a bit later.
ex: if it’s not raining, I will probably go to the shopping mall.

9. either= huo….huo..
ex: I will either finish class at 5 or 6.
ex: you can choose either black or blue.
ex: you can drink either juice or coffee.

10. lower = di yi dian de
ex: can you lower your chair
ex: you can lower the table.
ex: can you lower the price?

11. embarrassing = gan ga de
ex: it’s very embarrassing to speak in front of lots of people.
ex: it’s embarrassing to sing/dance in front of people you don’t know.


3. Don’t ask us about money

While it’s very common to talk about money in China, this is a big no-no in Western cultures. We feel quite uncomfortable when asked about our salaries or how much we paid for something, unless we got an amazing deal, of course. To most of us, our salaries and how much rent we pay are private matters, so we will either refuse to answer or lie, probably quoting a lower figure. It’s embarrassing for us if a Chinese person thinks we’re overpaid, rich or being ripped off.