F2F Class Notes (Lily) [R]


wild= wai you d


because VS due to
ex: you should bring an umbrella because it’s raining.  Because….. 
ex: Due to the rain, you should bring an umbrella.


1. consumption= 消耗
ex: China is the biggest country for the consumption of lobsters.

2. announce (verb) = 宣布
announcement (noun)= 宣布
ex: We have to listen to the announcement every morning at school.
ex: I want to make an announcement: I’m getting married.

3. come in effect= 生效
ex: The new law will come in effect May 1.

4. illegal (adj)= not legal 违法的
ex: it’s illegal to steal 偷
ex: it’s illegal to eat wild animals.

5. steal= 偷
stole= past tense of steal
ex: When I was young, I stole a notebook from Carrefour.

6. irregular= 不规律 不寻常 不正常
ex: She has irregular behavior today.
ex: She has irregular periods, she’s always late.

7. raised= 养育
ex: I was raised by my grandparents.
ex: I was raised in (Canada).

8. wild (wai you d) = 野生的
ex: have you ever tried (eating) any wild animals?



Shenzhen, in southeastern China, has become the first city in the country to ban the consumption of cats and dogs, the government announced Thursday.

Under new rules which will come into effect May 1, the government said it will be illegal to eat animals raised as pets.

In February, following the coronavirus outbreak, China passed a law to ban the consumption of wild animals.