F2F Class Notes (Lily) [R]


What do you want to do after you lose weight?


The body is an amazing object; the more you ask of it, the more it can do. If you are inactive most of the time, your body will quickly become tired when it should be active. But if you are active many times each day or week, your body will get used to the hard work and it will become easier to do. Children who want to play active games with their friends should exercise regularly so they have the energy to play as long as they want.


  1. inactive: not moving

ex: When you are inactive most of the time, it’s easy to become overweight.

2. get used to: have the habit of , xi guan

ex: I am used to drinking a cup of tea in the morning.

3. regularly: often, on a daily/weekly basis

ex: I don’t exercise regularly.

ex: I need to remind myself to exercise regularly.

4. I need to remind myself: 我要提醒自己/, I need to tell myself

ex: I need to remind myself to think in English/ practice my English.

ex: I need to remind myself to watch an English movie every week.  ** drama: prison break, lie to me

5. energy: the capacity for vigorous activity; available power:

ex: I have no energy for work today, I ran 10km last night.

6. energetic: adjective to describe someone who is full of energy.

ex: The starfish in SpongeBob is always energetic.