F2F Class Notes (Lily) [R]


they think everyone should be work off –> off work


1.prime minister= 主席
president= 总统
ex: Mr. Xi is the prime minister of China.


Chinese universities stopped disciplining students for dating about two decades ago. Five months ago, the Education Ministry lifted the ban preventing students marrying. And recently, they revised restrictions on students living outside of university dormitories.

The reasons are simple. First, the revisions represent a humanistic approach in administrating students. Despite all the social expectations of them to concentrate on studying to become an educated elite, they are, above all, young adults. If young people outside universities have the right and opportunities to enjoy romance, an earlier family life, or a freewheeling lifestyle, so should those inside the Ivory Tower.

Second, the step away form over-protection and over regulation opens up many life choices to students. At the same time it enables them to form new social links. These skills are much needed to allow young adults to grow up independently and find their places in society.

In a society where parental and institutional overprotection and supervision has been omnipresent in most young people’s upbringings, these steps are all the more necessary.