F2F Class Notes (Lily) [W + R]


week= w eeeek
month= meng th


I have been to Japan= 我去过日本
i went to Japan = 我去了日本


1.dry (verb)= 弄干
dry (adjective)= 干的
ex:(verb)I hate to dry/hate drying my hair, because it takes me a looonnngg time.
ex: (verb) I like to dry my hair, because it makes me more comfortable after shower.
ex:(adj): I like sunny days, because my clothes are dry. When it rains, I get wet.
ex: (adj): My lips are dry, because I haven’t drank water for 3 hours.

2. trade (verb) = to exchange
ex: I don’t like my drink, can we trade?
ex: I want to trade my computer with my friend

3. batch= 批
ex: For this batch of products,  I need ……

3. exchange= to trade
ex: For Secret Santa, we exchange gifts.


Hi _____
To whom it may concern,

Context: (reply)
Thank you for the information/ advice
in regards to your inquiry, we propose…. in regard to your questions,

context: (write to them)
1. this email is in relation to… (topic) (general)
eg. this email is in relation to today’s morning briefing
eg2. this email is in relation to the updating/running of the report
2. this email is about (topic)
please see below for… (topic)
3. As per my previous email,… (topic). (repeat information in last email)
eg. As per my previous email, I need you to update this report…
4. As you may be aware… (topic) (giving them information which they might know)
eg. As you may be aware, if you don’t ….
5.Please be advised that… (topic) 通知 ( ) 
eg. Please be advised that from next week the report will be available
6. As per our call/discussion (topic)  (talked to them before about this)
eg. As per our discussion, you guys must finish tomorrow

hello? did you see my email ? –> I was wondering if you have received my email…. , Sorry to disturb you again, would you please let me know …… 
do you understand? –> Let me know if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. 
when do you have time?–> What is your availability for the upcoming week/month ? When would you be available for the next meeting/call? When would be a suitable time for you to discuss (     )? 

Writing exercise

If I can work in a job what I love, it must be a about traveling or hiking. Although I’m not good at traveling or hiking and I don’t even have a lot of physical energy, I still want to work as a tour guide or a tour translator. But as we all know, it’s not easy to do a job what we love, so I feat that I have to make traveling as a hobby. I decide to try to be a salesman because I may earn much money by this way that can support me to do what l love.


If I could find a job that I love, it would be about traveling or hiking. Although I’m not good at traveling or hiking and I don’t even have a lot of physical strength, I still want to work as a tour guide or a tour translator. But as we all know, it’s not easy to find a job that we love, so I fear that I have to consider traveling as a hobby. I decide to try to be a salesman because I could earn more money by this way to support my hobbies.