F2F Class Notes (Lily) [S]


1.new released= new movie that just came out
ex: let’s go watch the new released “Spiderman 3” !!

2. wholesale= buy things in bulk
ex: When you visit QIPU road, it will be cheaper to buy wholesale clothes.

3. retail= departments stores do retail
ex: I like to go to retail stores, the products are better in quality.

4. mental disorder= have some problems mentally
ex: he suffers from mental disorder, he cannot have a regular social life.

5. physical disorder= have some problems physically
ex: he broke his legs and cannot walk properly, he suffers from physical disorder. 

Speaking exercise

Last weekend, my husband and I and my son went to the bund. we took photograph in the big clock. We took the photograph every year from the big clock, I think this is memory.

20 years past, my son look at the photograph, maybe he will have little bit touched. Right now, he doesn’t remember anything. I will learn with him together, because my father to spend money to play the piano, to learn English. I will learn with my son to grow up together. When we haven’t got married, we planned everything, maybe one day we have very poor, we can do some jobs. His mom to my husband is very dominant.


Last weekend, my husband, my son and I/ my family went to the bund. we took photograph/picture in front of the big clock. We take a photograph every year in front of the big clock, I think this will remain as a good memory. 

20 years later, my son can look at the photograph, maybe he will be a little bit touched. Right now, he doesn’t remember anything. I will learn with him together, because my father did the same to me. My father spent money on me to take piano lessons, to learn English. I will learn with my son to grow up together. Before we got married, we planned everything, even if we become poor, we can do some jobs. His mom is very dominant in the house, but she’s very nice to my son.